Trailer Park Boys: Halloween Event Part 2!

Zombleys are all over Sunnyvale and we’re just fighting for our lives. Raykins are everywhere, everybody’s turning, and Julian is bitten! Our brains are short circulating trying to keep up. What will happen next?

There’s another Halloween event coming, and it’s picking up where the story left off. Forgot what happened? Don’t worry, Conky will catch you up on what went down the last event! The Event is LIVE NOW and running for four days, so get in there!
Let’s get greasy!

If you’re worried about the imminent zombley apoctalips, then this week’s prize is perfect for you! A weapon stash is up for grabs with everything you need to fight off those zombleys. This new reward boosts the profits of the Gas Station. It’s looking like you’ll need it, boys….
Watch the Video on YouTube!
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